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Direction for Cartridge Elements or Diatomaceous Earth filter grids: Remove cartridge elements or D.E. grids from filter tank and hose off loose material. In a pail, bucket or trash container with 5 to 10 gallons of water, add 1 Liter bottle of Filter Perfect. Place cartridge elements or D.E. grids in solution and soak for a minimum of 6 hours, preferably overnight. Remove from solution and rinse thoroughly. Clean cartridge elements should be allowed to dry before reinstalling.
Direction for Sand Filters: have pump running and filter in backwash mode. Suction should come primarily from skimmer, not main drain. Add 1 Liter bottle of Filter Perfect to skimmer. Leave handle in backwash mode and turn pump off for a minimum of 6 hours. Turn pump on and continue to backwash until water runs clear. Do not allow pump to run dry. Return filter to normal operation.